Finally...A Proprietary Annuity That Puts YOUR Clients FIRST!

Exceptional Balance-Sheet Carrier Offers Best-In-Class Fixed Index Annuity

The First (And ONLY) Fixed Index Annuity Of Its Kind...

There are 536 Indexed Annuities available today...

Only 29 of the 536 have premium bonuses of 10% or higher...

Only 21 of those 29 are offered by carriers with at least an A- AM Best Rating...

Only 3 of those 21 carriers offer a no-cost GLWB rider...

Only ONE of those 3 Has NO MVA

*Source: WINK, Annuity Specs 9/5/2023

The GCU Aquila X Is A Revolutionary New FIA

Fill out the form below today to learn more about this one-of-a-kind annuity with a 10% premium bonus, no-cost GLWB rider, and NO MVA from one of the most trusted carriers around.

(OPTIONAL: Fill in your address and we will ship you a copy of our new book/annuity lead-magnet Promise Over Price!)

  • GCU’s Aquila FIA Product Specifications – A guide to our newest Indexed Product, in 5-

    and 10-year form, offering a unique NO FEE Lifetime Income Benefit, NO MVA...PLUS an

    Enhanced Wellness Rider that increases to 2X GWLB triggered by failure of 2 of 6 Activities of

    Daily Living.

  • 30% Cumulative Withdrawal

  • A Complete TSR Ratio Report on GCU – See how GCU measures up against the top 5 FIA


Yes! I want to access this invaluable resource package now:

PLUS… A Special Bonus for You:

Get an advanced copy of Promise Over Price penned by Tom Gober, a Certified Fraud Examiner,

former state examiner in charge and co-creator of the TSR Ratio™, which features an impactful

foreword by former US Comptroller General, the Honorable David M. Walker.

By Responding NOW: You’ll get on the list for EARLY ACCESS to the Lead Generation System:

"Meet the Author of Promise Over Price." This incredible program allows Tom Gober and the

Honorable David M. Walker to help you help your clients understand the value of annuities.

This is a VERY Limited Advisor Program – your response below may be your only opportunity for

consideration into this program. Download Now!

An Insurance Carrier Whose Balance Sheet You Can Trust

The FIRST insurer ever to receive a GOLDEN TSR Ratio, GCU’s solvency,

surplus to risk ratio, and reliability over 130+ years, enables you to offer

your clients transparency and trustworthiness in an insurance carrier.

You’re just a step away from gaining valuable insights about GCU and

our approach to truth, transparency, and exceptional financial

stewardship on behalf of our members and agents.

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